Ted BoyerSr. Front-End Designer


Reflecting on design, web, technology, and life.

Photoshop Etiquette

— It’s always a good idea to stay organized when designing! I love this Photoshop Etiquette guide as a reminder of what to do—and what not to do—when working with PSDs.

How Should Designers Learn To Code?

— I came across this intriguing two-part series of articles on learning code by Paul Hanaoka for Smashing Magazine. There are a lot of tips and tricks here, and some things I wish I would’ve known sooner.

Why consistent writing makes you a better designer

— Writing is such a valuable skill. In this article by Eugen Eşanu, he outlines several ways writing helps you think and learn, enhances your chances of success, contributes to your personal development, and strengthens your relationships with other people.

The Data We Don’t See

— Giorgia Lupi is an award-winning information designer and partner at Pentagram. She is an advocate for data humanism, an innovative approach to data visualization that goes beyond the trend of cool, surface-level infographics.

The Necessity of Tomorrow(s)

— Love this visual identity for a lecture series at the Baltimore Museum of Art, done by Post Typography. The concept behind the campaign is that only by envisioning alternative futures can we create a better tomorrow.