Ted Boyer
Sr. Front-End Designer


Posts tagged “Web Design”

Project VisBug

— For web designers: here’s a new Chrome extension that works as a visual inspector and interface editor.

The Layouts of Tomorrow

— Extraordinary examples of what is possible in layout and animation in web design. With new tools like CSS Grid and other front-end techniques, it is an exciting time to be designing for the web!

Solis for Mac

— Discovered a new app today called Solis, a Live Design Output that integrates with code editors to deliver real-time, multi-viewport previewing of HTML, CSS, SASS, and LESS as you write it.


— Fontanello is a browser extension for Google Chrome and Firefox that lets you display the basic typographic styles of a text by right-clicking it.

What Is the Internet’s Best Ratings System?

— Discovered this interesting article on ratings system design via Smashing Magazine’s Twitter feed. Personally, I love Foursquare’s venue rating system because it feels nuanced enough while also using tips for further detailed recommendations.

Learning in the Bauhaus School

— This is a really interesting article by Designlab that goes over the essentials of Bauhaus design. I thought the comparison between the Bauhaus School and contemporary web design was particularly great.

AIGA: Do Designers Really Need to Know How to Code?

— I used to shy away from coding, but taking Web classes at my school has shown me how valuable of a tool code really is. As graphic designers, we should naturally reject these no-coding tools in favor of doing it yourself. Learning to code is not easy, but like the author says, “there’s no substitute for the real thing.”