Ted Boyer
Sr. Front-End Designer

Getting to know Eastside spots

This past month was eventful, filled with many weekend adventures to places near our apartment in Redmond. It’s been so enjoyable to get outside and explore new areas around us—safely, of course!

Even with the pandemic (and a week of wildfire smoke which kept us indoors), I’ve been able to grab delicious takeout, visit parks, and see a waterfall!

Living in the Bicycle Capital of the Northwest! Redmond has extensive trail systems that are perfect for bike rides. One day soon I’ll get a bike of my own!

I’m continually amazed at all the natural beauty here in the PNW, and I feel like I’ve only begun to scratch the surface. There is a lot to take in coming from the Midwest, from mountains in the distance during scenic drives, to lush forests and tall trees, and even really bright sun (an unexpected kind of thing!) Crows are cawing in the morning at our apartment, which gives off spooky fall vibes, too.

I’m excited to experience the changing seasons in our new city with the onset of October. Plus, once the pandemic is through (whenever that time may come), it will be wonderful to live those joys here in Seattle. We are truly grateful to be healthy and safe right now, and we hope you are, too!

Below are some highlights from September:

Marymoor Park

This park is fantastic. When we first went, we only explored the main connector trail, which has plenty of room for people to walk, bike, or jog. But as we quickly found out, there’s so much more to see! The park is 640 acres and even includes a sprawling off-leash dog park.

One of my favorite parts is the conservation area with boardwalks along the marsh. It meets up with Lake Sammamish’s shores, and the scenery is beautiful, changing from almost pastoral-looking views to a lake with wide-open skies.

Marymoor Park already feels like a treasured part of our city, and as it's within a 5-minute drive from our apartment, we can't wait to return.

Did I mention there's a windmill? It's non-functioning, but still provides excellent photos on sunny days.
Alex for scale!
This gate is very pleasing to me.
Walking past the dog park to get onto the boardwalk.
Lily pads everywhere!

Kerry Park

Kerry Park overlooks downtown Seattle, and it was pretty surreal to see on our first visit! Unfortunately, it was quite crowded even with COVID, so we didn't spend a lot of time here. But it would be a lovely spot for picnics in the summer, I'm sure!

Juanita Bay Park

Juanita Bay Park is a great urban wildlife habitat area. There are many trails and boardwalks, and walking here, it just feels so lush and surrounded by nature! We saw some turtles on a log, pleasant birds, and a gorgeous weeping tree, too!

Moss is everywhere in the Pacific Northwest—it's incredibly colorful and dazzling to look at!
Spot the turtle!
This tree was made for spring picnics.

Rocky's Empanadas

This takeout place within walking distance of us is so good. Everything from the packaging to the actual food is like a work of art!

Evans Creek Preserve

Evans Creek Preserve is another large park right close to home, with meadows, wetlands, and a hillside forest. I love the soothing sound of the creek, too!

Snoqualmie Falls

This was our most recent getaway outside the apartment, and it did not disappoint! Snoqualmie Falls was spectacular, and I’m sure it’s even more beautiful once the trees have formed their peak fall colors! You could even feel the mist walking along the paths. We spent a short time in the town itself, and it seemed lovely, too.

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